崔庆明, 兰沣, 张子彧. 人与野生动物冲突研究进展——基于CiteSpace的文献计量分析[J]. 自然保护地,2025,5(0):1−29. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024031902
引用本文: 崔庆明, 兰沣, 张子彧. 人与野生动物冲突研究进展——基于CiteSpace的文献计量分析[J]. 自然保护地,2025,5(0):1−29. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024031902
CUI Q M, LAN F, ZHANG Z Y. Advances in Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Research: A CiteSpace-Based Bibliometric Analysis[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2025, 5(0): 1−29. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024031902
Citation: CUI Q M, LAN F, ZHANG Z Y. Advances in Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Research: A CiteSpace-Based Bibliometric Analysis[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2025, 5(0): 1−29. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024031902


Advances in Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Research: A CiteSpace-Based Bibliometric Analysis

  • 摘要:
    目的 通过对国际上人与野生动物冲突相关文献进行可视化计量分析,结合深入阅读,从发文量、作者、发文机构、研究热点、主题聚类及研究趋势等方面分析该领域的主要内容、动态变化及规律,为在生态文明和自然保护地建设背景下的人与野生动物冲突研究提供理论依据与实践指导。
    方法 运用 CiteSpace 6.2.4文献计量工具,对1997年以来国际上3 220篇人与野生动物冲突研究文献进行可视化分析,系统剖析人与野生动物冲突研究的现状、机构、热点和趋势等。
    结果 国际上人与野生动物冲突研究发文量呈现稳步上升趋势,美、英两国发表居多,主要的学科背景是生态-环境学。作者合作网络密度不高,但有以David W. Macdonald为代表的小部分作者合作群簇。Large carnivores,ecology,depredation是高中心度关键词。根据14项关键词聚类结果,国际上人与野生动物冲突研究热点包括人与野生动物冲突的时空分布、原因与影响、缓解/管理策略以及居民对冲突态度与感知的影响因素等大类。总体上,研究主题由冲突管理到人与野生动物共存转变。早期人与野生动物冲突研究多应用生态学相关理论,近期研究关注到动物的主体性、冲突的复杂性以及自然与社会的不可分离性,将社会学、心理学理论引入冲突的缓解和管理分析中。
    结论 未来人与野生动物冲突研究应注重用整体的、跨学科的视角深入探讨人与野生动物的冲突复杂性和共存策略,重视动物能动性在人与野生动物关系演化中的作用,关注特定社会文化情境对全球人与野生动物关系研究知识体系的贡献。


    Objectives This paper analyzed the main content, dynamic changes, and trends in international human-wildlife conflict (HWC) research by conducting a visual bibliometric analysis of the literature. By examining the volume of publications, authors, institutions, research hotspots, thematic clustering, and research trends, the paper aimed to provide a theoretical foundation and practical guidance for HWC research in the context of ecological civilization and the construction of protected areas in China.
    Methods The bibliometric tool CiteSpace 6.2.4 was utilized to visualize and analyze international HWC research literature since 1997. This systematic analysis encompassed the current status, key institutions, research hotspots, and trends in international HWC research.
    Results Publications on HWC revealed a consistent upward trend, with the predominant disciplinary focus being ecology and environmental science. The density of author cooperation networks was modest, yet there were discernible clusters of collaboration, prominently exemplified by David W. Macdonald. Keywords with high centrality included large carnivores, ecology, and depredation. Research hotspots in international HWC studies cover the spatial and temporal distribution of conflicts, their causes and impacts, mitigation/management strategies, and factors influencing residents’ attitudes and perceptions. A shift in research trends from conflict management to human-wildlife coexistence was evident. Early HWC studies primarily used ecological theories, while recent research has increasingly focused on the subjectivity of animals, the complexity of conflicts, and the interconnectedness of nature and society, incorporating sociological and psychological theories into conflict mitigation and management.
    Conclusions It is recommended that future research on HWC in China adopt a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to explore the intricacies of such conflicts and the strategies employed for coexistence between humans and wildlife. It should emphasize the role of wildlife agency in the evolution of human-wildlife relationships, while also acknowledging the potential contributions of local socio-cultural contexts to the global body of knowledge on HWC.


