范琳, 刘楠, 赵力, 等. 青海省自然保护地空间分布及体系重构探讨[J]. 自然保护地,2024,4(3):41−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030701
引用本文: 范琳, 刘楠, 赵力, 等. 青海省自然保护地空间分布及体系重构探讨[J]. 自然保护地,2024,4(3):41−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030701
FAN L, LIU N, ZHAO L, et al. Exploration of the spatial distribution and system reconstruction of natural protected areas in Qinghai Province[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 4(3): 41−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030701
Citation: FAN L, LIU N, ZHAO L, et al. Exploration of the spatial distribution and system reconstruction of natural protected areas in Qinghai Province[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 4(3): 41−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030701


Exploration of the spatial distribution and system reconstruction of natural protected areas in Qinghai Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 青海保护着“中国水塔”,是我国西部重要的生态安全屏障和高寒生物种质资源库。研究青海以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系对于国家公园和自然保护地发展改革具有重要意义,也可为当下以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设提供借鉴。
    方法 以青海省7类95处自然保护地为研究对象,采用最邻近指数、核密度指数、空间叠置等方法分析省域自然保护地空间集聚特征和重叠特征,利用数理统计与ArcGIS空间分析技术识别分析全省自然生态空间,并提出自然保护地体系重构路径。
    结果 结果表明,研究区自然保护地面积以国家公园、自然保护区和国家级自然保护地为主,数量上风景名胜区、森林公园、湿地公园占据优势,空间分布上与省域自然地理特征相契合,整体呈聚集分布;不同类型的自然保护地存在交叉重叠,涉及重叠的自然保护地52个,占全省自然保护地总数量的54.74%;提出从新建、撤销、归并、拆分、调整范围等5个方面优化空间布局,优化后青海省自然保护地82个,占全省总面积的41.42%,其中国家公园占80.21%、自然保护区占15.38%、自然公园占4.42%。
    结论 实现了以国家公园为主体、自然保护区为基础、各类自然公园为补充的新型自然保护地体系,全省重要的生态系统、生物物种、景观遗迹基本得到了有效保护。


    Objectives Qinghai Province safeguards China’s “Water Tower” and serves as a vital ecological security barrier and repository of alpine biological genetic resources in western China. Investigating the natural protrected area system in Qinghai, primarily composed of national parks, holds significant importance for the development and reform of national parks and nature reserves. The study also provides valuable insights into the ongoing construction of provincial natural protected area systems, with a focus on national parks.
    Methods This study examined the 95 natural protected areas in Qinghai Province, categorized into 7 types. It employed methods such as the nearest-neighbor index, kernel density index, and spatial overlay to analyze the spatial clustering and overlapping characteristics of the provincial natural protected area system. Utilizing mathematical statistics and ArcGIS spatial analysis techniques, the study identified the natural ecological space of the whole province and proposed pathways for reconstructing the natural protected area system.
    Results The findings indicated that the natural protected areas in the study region were mainly composed of national parks, nature reserves, and national-level natural reserves. In terms of quantity, scenic spots, forest parks, and wetland parks hold the advantage, aligning aligning spatially with the natural geographic features of the province and exhibiting an overall clustered distribution. Different types of natural protected areas experience significant overlap, with 52 overlapping natural protected areas, accounting for 54.74% of the total number of natural protected areas in the province. Through optimization measures such as new construction, revocation, merging, splitting, and range adjustment, the spatial system was enhanced. Post-optimization, Qinghai Province comprised 82 natural protected areas, covering 41.42% of the total land area, including 80.21% designated as national parks, 15.38% as nature reserves, and 4.42% as nature parks.
    Couclusions  This study established a new natural protected area system centered around national parks, supported by nature reserves and various nature parks, effectively ensuring the conservation of crucial ecosystems, biological species, and scenic landmarks across Qinghai Province.


