严玉岚, 左平, 王先彦, 等. 庐山云雾茶园分布与发展适宜性评价[J]. 自然保护地,2024,5(0):1−14. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030102
引用本文: 严玉岚, 左平, 王先彦, 等. 庐山云雾茶园分布与发展适宜性评价[J]. 自然保护地,2024,5(0):1−14. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030102
YAN Y L, ZUO P, WANG X Y, et al. Distribution and suitability evaluation of the development of the Foggy Tea Gardens on Lu Mountain[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 5(0): 1−14. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030102
Citation: YAN Y L, ZUO P, WANG X Y, et al. Distribution and suitability evaluation of the development of the Foggy Tea Gardens on Lu Mountain[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 5(0): 1−14. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2024030102


Distribution and suitability evaluation of the development of the Foggy Tea Gardens on Lu Mountain

  • 摘要:
    目的 探究庐山自然保护地内云雾茶园种植与生态环境保护之间的矛盾,明确云雾茶园的分布特征与种植适宜性,提出科学的种植管理建议,在促进当地经济发展的同时保障生态环境安全。
    方法 利用Sentinel-2遥感影像和SRTM DEM数据,结合植被指数(NDVI)与建筑指数(NDBI)提取庐山自然保护地内云雾茶园的分布范围。同时,结合坡度数据和气象观测资料,综合分析云雾茶园的种植适宜性,首次将云雾茶划分为通道云雾茶和高山云雾茶两类,并基于经济产值提出种植管理建议。
    结果 2022年庐山山体云雾茶园总面积约648.58 hm2,主要分布在王家坡、青莲寺、桃花源、汉阳峰北及山脚谷地等区域。大部分茶园分布在坡度6°~25°的区域,占比74.27%,高山云雾茶种植面积较小,仅占18.62%。19.49%的茶园分布在坡度>25°的区域,存在较严重的水土流失风险。共有126.40 hm2的云雾茶园(Ⅴ类)建议有序退出,进行生态修复。
    结论 庐山云雾茶种植已有一定规模,是促进当地经济发展的重要产业。但部分茶园存在水土流失问题,影响生态安全。建议采取差异化管理措施,对部分区域进行有序退出和生态修复,提升云雾茶品牌的可持续发展能力。


    Objectives To figure out the conflicts between foggy tea cultivation and ecological conservation on Lu Mountain, assess the distribution and suitability of the foggy tea gardens, and provide recommendations for balancing local economic development and ecological safety.
    Methods Utilizing Sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery and SRTM DEM data, combined with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), this study extracted the spatial distribution of the foggy tea gardens on Lu Mountain. The integration of slope data and meteorological observations was instrumental in analyzing the suitability for tea planting, which led to the novel categorization of tea into valley foggy tea and highland foggy tea for the first time. The study also proposed cultivation management recommendations based on economic outputs.
    Results In 2022, the total area of foggy tea gardens was approximately 648.58 hm2, primarily located in areas such as Wangjiapo, Qinglian Temple, Taohuayuan, north of Hanyang Peak, and mountain foothills. A major portion of the tea gardens, 74.27%, was situated on slopes ranging from 6° to 25°. Highland foggy tea constituted a smaller proportion, at 18.62%, while 19.49% of the gardens were on slopes steeper than 25°, posing serious risks of soil erosion. It is recommended that 126.40 hm2 of the tea garden area (Class V) be gradually withdrawn from production and subjected to ecological restoration.
    Conclusions Foggy tea cultivation is crucial for Lu Mountain’s economy but poses ecological risks. To ensure the economic viability and environmental integrity of the area, it is imperative to implement a multifaceted management strategy that emphasizes ecological restoration.


