魏彦强, 胡华伟, 王文颖, 等. 青藏高原自然保护区建设现状及未来规划建议[J]. 自然保护地,2024,4(0):1−20. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2023122802
引用本文: 魏彦强, 胡华伟, 王文颖, 等. 青藏高原自然保护区建设现状及未来规划建议[J]. 自然保护地,2024,4(0):1−20. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2023122802
WEI Y Q, HU H W, WANG W Y, et al. Current status and future planning recommendations for the construction of natural reserves on the Qinghai- Xizang Plateau[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 4(0): 1−20. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2023122802
Citation: WEI Y Q, HU H W, WANG W Y, et al. Current status and future planning recommendations for the construction of natural reserves on the Qinghai- Xizang Plateau[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2024, 4(0): 1−20. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2023122802


Current status and future planning recommendations for the construction of natural reserves on the Qinghai- Xizang Plateau

  • 摘要:
    目的 青藏高原已建立了众多的自然保护区,自然保护区空间分布合理与否是评估物种是否存在保护空缺的重要依据。
    方法 利用已有的各类保护区统计数据,统计分析了其分布类型及特征,并与人类活动强度等分布格局进行了空间分析,指出保护区建设中的问题和未来规划建议。
    结果 ①青藏高原已建以国家公园为主体的国家级自然保护区54个,省级自然保护区61个,包括森林公园、风景名胜区、湿地公园、地质公园、沙漠公园、自然保护区和国家公园等基本类型,总面积约为8.22×105 km2,占青藏高原总面积的32.35%。目前覆盖了大多数的青藏高原特有和珍稀濒危动植物物种,有效保护了青藏高原的珍稀野生动植物物种,保护效果明显改善;②现有保护区空间分布不均,大面积的保护区设立在海拔较高、物种类型单一的无人区。而高原东南部生物多样性丰富,人类活动较强的低海拔沟谷地区人与自然保护区的冲突日渐突出,形成“保护—发展”的巨大冲突。随着气候变化和人类活动的影响,野生物种的栖息地将受到很大的影响。
    结论 针对性地提出了喜马拉雅东段藏南河谷针叶林雨林区、藏东南高山深谷针叶林区、川西北山地高寒灌丛草甸区等3个未来重点规划和建设的区域,今后应围绕国家公园建设,及时协调保护区之间和保护区内部的功能,处理好保护区建设与当地经济发展的矛盾,针对气候变化和人类活动对优先保护区的影响进行长期监测,综合评估已建保护区的保护效果并及时做出规划和建设调整。


    Objectives The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) has already established many protected areas (PA). Whether the spatial distribution of PA is reasonable or not is important for assessing whether there are gaps in the protection of species.
    Methods Using the existing statistical data of various types of protected areas, we statistically analyzed their distribution types and characteristics, and conducted a spatial analysis with the distribution of human activity intensity, pointing out problems in the construction of protected areas and suggestions for future planning.
    Results (1) QXP has established 54 national and 61 provincial PA, including essential types such as forest parks, scenic spots, wetland parks, geological parks, desert parks, nature reserves, and national parks. The total area was approximately 8.22×105 km2, accounting for 32.35% of the QXP. It encompassed the majority of the endangered species on the QXP, effectively safeguarding the rare wild animals and plants on the QXP and the protection efficiency has been significantly improved; (2) The spatial distribution of established PA was uneven. Large-scale PA have been established in uninhabited areas with high altitudes and single species types. In coontrast, the southeastern QXP was rich in biodiversity and the conflicts between humans and PA in low-altitude valleys where human activities were relatively strong have become increasingly prominent, increasing "Conservation-Development" conflicts. These conflicts were further compounded by the increasing impact of climate change and human activities, which will greatly affect the habitats of wild species.
    Conclusions The paper proposed the southern valleys of the eastern Himalayas, the southeastern QXP alpine coniferous forests, and the northwestern Sichuan alpine shrub meadows as the three key planning and protecting areas in the future. It should coordinate the functional relationship and management conflicts between PA. A long-term monitoring of the impact of climate change and human activities to PA is highly needed. Integrated assessment of the efficiency of PA should be carried out timely and make adjustments to planning and construction accordingly.


