【Objectives】 To research and understand the wild plant background resources of Furongshan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province, which is conducive to strengthening the conservation and responsible use of plant resources in the reserve. 【Methods】 The quadrat and transect methods were used to assess the reserve’s wild plant resources and examine the floristic diversity and key traits of the reserve’s wild seed plants. 【Results】 1) There were 153 families, 538 genera, and 1073 species of wild seed plants in the reserve. The dominant family was Gramineae, Compositae, Rosaceae, and Papilionaceae. 91.45% of the total number of genera were oligonecies and monecies, indicating a relatively distributed genera composition. 2) 153 families of wild seed plants in the reserve could be divided into 11 distribution types, and 538 genera could be divided into 14 distribution types. 【Conclusion】 The floristic characteristics of wild seed plants in the reserve were as follows: 1) The seed plant species were abundant. The density of wild seed plant species per unit area was higher than that in the surrounding areas, including Jinggang Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Yangji Peak, Matou Mountain, Tongbo Mountain, Minjiangyuan and other national nature reserves (National Parks). 2) The floristic compositions were complex and diverse. In terms of distribution types, they accounted for 66.67% and 93.33% of the 15 distribution types classified by Wu Zhengyi et al at the family and genus levels, respectively. 3) Extensive contacts with the world. The wild seed plants in the reserve were an important part of the Wuyi Mountain flora, and there were close connections with many regions in the world, especially tropical Asia. 4) The flora of wild seed plant species was tropical. The ratio (
T) of tropical families and genera to temperate families and genera was 1.94 and 1.02, respectively.