【Objectives】The foundation for citizens’ survival, progress, and ability to bear external risks and pressures is their livelihood capital. To address residents’ livelihood issues and advance sustainable community development, it is crucial to assess and analyze the state of residents’ capital for livelihood in national park communities. 【Methods】In order to compare community livelihood capital within and outside the national park boundaries, the study created a sustainable livelihood assessment index system for communities in the Wuyishan National Park. It also conducted questionnaire and interview surveys (179 questionnaires and 40 semi-structured interviews), used one-way analysis of variance to compare community livelihood capital inside and outside the national park’s boundaries, and included the perception of the COVID-19 risk into the evaluation of the perception of the livelihood risk. Based on Pearson correlation analysis, the study also investigated the influence of the community’s livelihood capital in the national park. 【Results】The findings demonstrated that: (1) the foundation of community livelihood capital in the Wuyishan National Park was human capital; (2) there has been a clear difference between community livelihood capital inside and outside the scope of the Wuyishan National Park, with community livelihood capital inside the scope being significantly higher than outside the scope; (3) there has been a trend toward a negative correlation between community livelihood capital inside and outside the scope; and (4) there shown a strong relationship between community livelihood capital inside and outside the scope of the Wuyishan National Park. Among these, the residents’ impression of the new crown epidemic danger had a big impact, and that view was strongly correlated with natural capital, physical capital, and financial capital. 【Conclusions】In order to provide policy recommendations and case references for the sustainable development of national park communities in the post-epidemic era, the study concluded with three recommendations for optimizing residents’ livelihood capital structure, enhancing national park identity, and coping with livelihood risks.