【Objectives】 To explore the mechanism of interest conflicts in the construction of national parks in China and seek ways to alleviate them. 【Methods】 According to the value hierarchy, the order of national park interests was set. The four-quadrant method was applied to classify the categories of interest conflicts in national parks from two dimensions: the intensity of interest conflicts and the homogeneity of interest objectives. 【Results】 The order of national park interests ranked as national interests, ecological interests, public interests, power interests, and private interests. The conflicts of interest in national parks could be divided into four types: “homogeneous-intense”, “heterogeneous-intense”, “homogeneous-mild”, and “heterogeneous-mild”. 【Conclusions】 The conflicts of interest among the subjects of national parks in China were caused by the adjustment of interest relations, which led to the damage of rights and interests. The reconstruction of order led to differences in coordination, which was the incentive for the conflict system. The lack of trust led to negative behavior, which was the triggering link of the conflict. The heterogeneity of goals led to behavior dislocation, which was the manifestation of the conflict behavior.