【Objectives】 To Investigate the differences in forest health tourism behavior intentions of students from Sanming University and develop college students' forest health tourism products. 【Methods】 The planning behavior theory, principal component analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, independent sample
t-test, and one-way variance analysis were applied to analyze the influencing factors and differences of college students’ forest health tourism behavior intention. 【Results】 College students’ forest health tourism behavior attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control all showed significant positive effects on behavior intention, and the influence order was: perceived behavior control > behavior attitude > subjective norms. Females and freshmen showed a higher degree of recognition in the attitude of forest health tourism behavior, males performed a higher degree of recognition in the perceived behavior control of forest health tourism, and overseas college students had the highest degree of recognition in the attitude and behavior intention of forest health tourism. 【Conclusions】 The perceived behavioral control of forest health tourism had the highest influence on behavior intention, and overseas college students were the best potential customers participating in forest health tourism. It is suggested to develop economical forest health tourism products for college students and focus on the development of the overseas college students market.