黄向. “双减”政策背景下面向儿童的自然教育研究[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(3):33−42. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021072801
引用本文: 黄向. “双减”政策背景下面向儿童的自然教育研究[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(3):33−42. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021072801
HUANG Xiang. Study on Nature Education Toward School Children Under the Background of “Dual-Reduction-Policy”[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(3): 33−42. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021072801
Citation: HUANG Xiang. Study on Nature Education Toward School Children Under the Background of “Dual-Reduction-Policy”[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(3): 33−42. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021072801


Study on Nature Education Toward School Children Under the Background of “Dual-Reduction-Policy”

  • 摘要: 自然教育在我国方兴未艾,在“双减”政策背景下更是迎来了发展的政策红利期,但理论研究远落后于现实需求。本文运用CiteSpace软件梳理国内外儿童自然教育和自然链接学术文献形成知识图谱。研究发现,1)国外文献较为丰富,且注重实证型研究;而国内文献较少,且多为推介型研究;2)不同角度的文献呈现的主题不同,从教育学角度应深入研究“科学、保护、知识、课程”这几个学术关键词;从人文地理学角度应深入研究“影响、童年、可持续性、地方、灭绝、玩耍”这几个领域;从心理学角度可深入研究“态度、感知、体验、量表、健康”这几个话题。本文呼吁国内相关学界积极开展儿童与自然的实证研究,为中国儿童开展自然教育提供基础研究支撑。


    Abstract: Nature education demand is boosting in China nowadays, especially after the central government launched “dual-reduction-policy” recently. However, the theoretical research is far behind practice needs. This paper reviewed global papers on nature education and nature connectedness by using software CiteSpace to form a knowledge map. The results showed that Empirical research dominated English literature but was lack in Chinese literature. According to the academic key words identified by CiteSpace, “science (STEM), conservation, knowledge, curriculum” are promising research theme from educational perspective, “impact, childhood, sustainability, place, extinction, play” from human geographical perspective and “attitude, perception, experience, scale, health” from psychological perspective. This review appealed domestic academics to conduct empirical research in the above fields to provide scientific support for nature education toward Chinese children.


