张爱桦, 胡金贵, 张立志, 等. 内蒙古汗马国家级自然保护区种子植物区系及其多样性[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(3):43−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021041301
引用本文: 张爱桦, 胡金贵, 张立志, 等. 内蒙古汗马国家级自然保护区种子植物区系及其多样性[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(3):43−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021041301
ZHANG Aihua, HU Jingui, ZHANG Lizhi, et al. The Plant Diversity and Flora Analysis in the Hanma National Nature Reserve[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(3): 43−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021041301
Citation: ZHANG Aihua, HU Jingui, ZHANG Lizhi, et al. The Plant Diversity and Flora Analysis in the Hanma National Nature Reserve[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(3): 43−53. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2021041301


The Plant Diversity and Flora Analysis in the Hanma National Nature Reserve

  • 摘要: 内蒙古汗马国家级自然保护区是我国保存最为完整的寒温带原始明亮针叶林地区之一。本文根据野外样地调查、物种标本与图片采集、鉴定以及文献资料借鉴,对保护区种子植物区系、生活型与生态型多样性进行了分析。主要结论包括:1)保护区内种子植物共计62科224属512种。其中,裸子植物2科4属5种,双子叶植物47科174属404个种,单子叶植物13科46属103个种,与同纬度、邻近保护区相比,物种组成更为丰富;2)在科的组成上,小型科和单种科占优势,分别占总科数的37.10%和24.19%;在属的水平上,单种属占优势,占总属数的51.79%;3)在植物区系组成上,科水平上以世界性分布为主(占比61.29%),属和种水平则以温带性质分布为主(占比分别为75.89%和61.91%),特别是种水平上,亚寒带—寒带性质分布型共163种,占比达33.20%,即物种组成以温带为主,且带有强烈的寒带或寒温带特征;4)保护区内种子植物生活型以隐芽植物占优势,占比达到46.48%,表明物种组成受到冬季严寒、生长期极短的影响;5)保护区内种子植物生态型以中生植物为主导,占比达到57.42%。


    Abstract: The Hanma National Nature Reserve is one of the most complete cold temperate zones in China. We analyzed the flora, the life type, and the ecotype of seed plants based on the field investigation, plant samples, the image collections, and identifications, and the literature. The results are as follows: 1) There are 512 species that belong to 62 families 224 genera, including 5 species of gymnosperm which belong to 2 families 4 genera ; 404 species of dicotyledons which belong to 47 families 174 genera; 103 species of monocotyledonous which belong to 13 families 46 genera. Compared to closed reserves with the, the species in the Hanma National Nature Reserve are more abundant. 2) In the composition of families, small family, and single family are dominant, accounting for 37.10% and 24.19% respectively of all the families; at the level of genera, a single genus is dominant, accounting for 51.79% of the total genera. 3) In terms of flora composition, the family level is dominated by worldwide distribution (61.29%), while the genus and species levels are dominated by temperate distribution (75.89% and 61.91%, respectively). Especially at the species level, there are 163 sub-frigid-cold-zone distribution types, accounting for 33.20%, which means that the species composition is dominated by temperate zones with strong frigid or cold-temperate characteristics. 4) The life type of seed plants in the Hanma National Nature Reserve is dominated by geophytes plants, accounting for 46.48%, indicating that the species composition is affected by the severe cold in winter and the extremely short growth period. 5) The ecotype is of seed plants in the Hanma National Nature Reserve is dominated by mesophytes, accounting for 57.42%.


