The deep application of high-resolution remote sensing images in forest resource inventory is of great significance to reducing the field survey and improve accuracy. Based on the remote sensing image of 0.5 meters spatial resolution in Zhejiang Province, the recognition degree is studied according to the degree reflected by the forest resource survey factor in the high-resolution remote sensing image by visual interpretation. The paper analyses in detail the recognition of land categories, bamboo forests, arbor tree species and age group, economic tree species, tree species composition, and forest stock, and interprets recognition degrees of them in exemplary figures. The recognition degrees are divided into four categories: strong recognizable, recognizable, weak recognizable, and unrecognizable. Simultaneously, it also discusses effects on recognition from aspects of comprehensiveness, phenological nature, relativity, regionality, and survey on spot and data source. The study lists systematically the image characteristics and identifiable conditions of various factors, which can guide the application of high-resolution remote sensing images in forest resources inventory.