Taking forest resources in the Huzhou city area as the evaluation object, following the “Norm of technique for estimation of forest economic value”, the sub-compartment of forest management inventory batch evaluation method is used to evaluate the forest resource assets of forest trees and forest land. The value of forest resource assets in Huzhou is 433.44 billion yuan, of which the value of forest assets is 331.62 billion yuan, and the value of forest land assets is 102.22 billion yuan. The value of economic forests and bamboo forests in Huzhou accounted for a large proportion of the total value of forest resources assets. The value of middle-aged arboreal forests was higher. The value of resource assets of planted forests was higher than that of natural forests. Exploring the technical application and working mechanism of forest resource asset value assessment at the city scale has important significance for the construction and promotion of forest tree and woodland resource value balance sheet accounting systems and technical methods from the perspective of theoretical and practical.