余建平, 陈小南, 陈声文. 钱江源国家公园生物多样性监测体系研究[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(2):58−67. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121401
引用本文: 余建平, 陈小南, 陈声文. 钱江源国家公园生物多样性监测体系研究[J]. 自然保护地,2021,1(2):58−67. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121401
YU Jianping, CHEN Xiaonan, CHEN Shengwen. Study on Biodiversity Monitoring System of Qianjiangyuan National Park[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(2): 58−67. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121401
Citation: YU Jianping, CHEN Xiaonan, CHEN Shengwen. Study on Biodiversity Monitoring System of Qianjiangyuan National Park[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2021, 1(2): 58−67. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121401


Study on Biodiversity Monitoring System of Qianjiangyuan National Park

  • 摘要: 钱江源国家公园体制试点区(以下简称“钱江源国家公园”)是我国10个国家公园体制试点区之一,其与中国科学院植物研究所合作开展对钱江源国家公园内生物多样性保护与监测的研究。建立了全境森林动态样地监测平台、全境网格化动物多样性监测平台、森林冠层生物多样性监测平台、卫星和近地面遥感监测平台以及环境要素综合监测平台共5个生态系统和生物多样性监测研究平台,形成了“空、天、地”一体化综合监测体系,对钱江源国家公园内生态系统和动植物群落开展大尺度、多组分、微观和宏观相结合的立体化综合监测,研究各生态因子的相互影响关系。在该监测体系长期收集的数据基础上,取得了一系列的研究成果,也为钱江源国家公园管理机构提供了科学保护和管理的依据。钱江源国家公园生物多样性监测成为《地球大数据可持续发展研究报告》收录的典型案例,并于2019年9月由中国政府通过外交部提交给联合国可持续发展峰会。钱江源国家公园生物多样性监测体系为我国的国家公园和其他保护地的生物多样性监测提供了借鉴和启示。


    Abstract: Qianjiangyuan National Park pilot site (hereinafter referred to Qianjiangyuan National Park) is one of the 10 national park pilot sites in China. It collaborates with the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and carries out researches on biodiversity protection and monitoring in Qianjiangyuan National Park. Through the establishment of five ecosystem and biodiversity monitoring and research platforms including forest dynamics plot monitoring platform, camera-trapping monitoring platform, forest canopy biodiversity monitoring platform, remote sensing monitoring platform, and environmental factors monitoring platform, a vertical integrated monitoring system has been formed to collect data to monitor the changes of ecosystems and plant and animal communities and to study the interactions among various ecological factors. A series of research results have been obtained, which provides a scientific basis for the management of Qianjiangyuan National Park. The case of biodiversity monitoring in Qianjiangyuan National Park has been included in the Report of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals released by the Chinese government during the Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2019. The biodiversity monitoring system of Qianjiangyuan National Park can provide reference for the monitoring of biodiversity in other National Parks and natural reserve in China.


