黄向, 宋惠敏. “自然依恋”的概念辨析及测量方法构建[J]. 自然保护地,2022,2(1):63−73. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121301
引用本文: 黄向, 宋惠敏. “自然依恋”的概念辨析及测量方法构建[J]. 自然保护地,2022,2(1):63−73. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121301
HUANG Xiang, SONG Huimin. Concept Discrimination and Measurement Method Construction of Nature Attachment[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2022, 2(1): 63−73. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121301
Citation: HUANG Xiang, SONG Huimin. Concept Discrimination and Measurement Method Construction of Nature Attachment[J]. Natural Protected Areas, 2022, 2(1): 63−73. DOI: 10.12335/2096-8981.2020121301


Concept Discrimination and Measurement Method Construction of Nature Attachment

  • 摘要: 地方依恋理论在解释人与自然的情感时不具备完全的解释力,提出了“自然依恋”这一全新的人地情感概念,并与地方依恋、社区依恋、自然链接等相关概念进行了比较辨析。自然依恋是自然氛围与人之间存在着的一种特殊的依赖关系,依恋对象“自然”是一套存在于人们脑海中对自然生态氛围的判别标准而形成的没有确定指向的物质要素组合意象。本研究使用了在两个自然景区收集的共460份问卷,采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析为核心的规范量表开发方法,将初始23个问项缩减为13个问项,形成了信度和效度均符合要求的自然依恋测量量表。结果表明,自然依恋由双维度组成,分别是自然认同和自然依赖。


    Abstract: Theory of place attachment cannot interpret the affectional bond between human beings and nature. This paper proposed "nature attachment" to describe the situation. By comparing the concept of place attachment, community attachment, and nature connectedness, this paper defined nature attachment as a special connection between individual human beings and nature, which is a set of natural components and atmosphere in mind without designating any specific space. This paper conducted a scale development research based on the regular protocol. Data from 460 questionnaires were collected. According to explorative factor analysis, 23 items in the original questionnaire were cut into 13 items as the final result. The reliability and validity tests proved the scale to be an accepted tool for measuring “nature attachment”. According to confirmatory factor analysis, the two-dimension structure of nature attachment were confirmed as nature identity and nature dependence.


